Category Archives: Author Speak

Only Transcendent Leaders Can Bring About Real Change

Leadership vacuum in countries and in organizations has become a major cause for chaos and uncertainty these days. This is because they have been led largely by transactional leaders. A…

Want to Become an Influencer?

Your new book is about impactful communication strategies for executives – how is it different from several other books that have addressed the same issue? Impactful or persuasive communication is…

How RamG Keeps His Mojo

Born into a middle-class household in Kerala, RamG Vallath had a successful corporate career. At 34, he was the youngest COO at Airtel and a director at Dell and HP…

How Not to Build a City

Sanjay Srivastava, Professor of Sociology at the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, asks searching questions about how India has let its cities degenerate into chaos and highlights the surreal ways that…


  Be Inspired by India’s Innovations Devika Devaiah, author of . …… Excerpts of her recent talk at Centre for Sustainable Development event in Bengaluru Friends of Handloom What has…

An Inside Story of India’s E-commerce Pioneers

Anuradha Goyal is an Innovation consultant by profession, a travel blogger and a book reviewer by passion What are the common traits of the pioneers you interviewed in Mouse Charmers…

Love your Organization

By Sunil Robert What’s the central theme of your book? The book aspires to fill the gaps in Indian business world where we still work by mostly outdated paradigms borrowed…

Only Removal of Secrecy Clause in Offshore Havens Can Dent Global Corruption

Laurence Cockcroft is a development economist and founder of Transparency International, a global civil society organization fighting corruption. He’s the author of Africa’s Way – A Journey from the Past….