Category Archives: Magazine

Fail Better: Design Smart Mistakes and Succeed Sooner

Fail Better: Design Smart Mistakes and Succeed Sooner By Anjali Sastry, Kara Penn | Harvard Business Press Books A usable method for learning from failure. Everyone is talking about failure…

Everything I Ever Needed to Know about Economics I Learned from Online Dating

Everything I Ever Needed to Know about Economics I Learned from Online Dating By Paul Oyer | Harvard Business Press Books Conquering the dating market–from an economist’s point of view….

MBA Course Should Start after 10th

Even after fifty years of teaching, Prof. Jagdish Sheth, 75, is busy talking and leading innovation in management education. He is proposing radical changes in the content and structure of…

Switch to Circular Economy Soon

By Benedict Paramanand With global business houses like Unilever, Renault, Philips and Cisco joining the Ellen MacArthur Foundation the idea of Circular Economy has gained critical momentum. The ‘take-make-dispose’ model…

Management by Idiots

Arup Roy Choudhury Arup Roy Choudhury is the Chairman & Managing Director, NTPC Limited, one of the largest and best run power companies in the world, since September 2010. He…

There is now lesser dependence on Western validation for artists to be ‘discovered’ in their own country

Parul Dave Mukherji, Dean of School of Arts and Aesthetics, JNU What’s your definition of ‘contemporary art’ in Asia? How is it different from, say the last 20 years? The…

If you don’t blow your own trumpet, someone else will use it as a spittoon

Book extract – Management by Idiots When the American humorist Will Rogers (Go for the Gold: Thoughts on Achieving your Personal Best) says, ‘Get someone else to blow your horn…

Stick With Your Team

Lessons from Rafael Nadal “I’m responsible whenever I’m in poor form, not my team,” tennis superstar Rafael Nadal said when asked why he has retained every member of his support…