Category Archives: Magazine

Contagious: Why Things Catch On

By Jonah Berger New York Times bestseller Simon & Schuster, 2013 Contagious combines groundbreaking research with powerful stories. Learn how a luxury steakhouse found popularity through the lowly cheese-steak, why…

Thinking in New Boxes: A New Paradigm for Business Creativity

By Luc de Brabandere Random House, 2013 When BIC, manufacturer of disposable ballpoint pens, wanted to grow, it looked for an idea beyond introducing new sizes and ink colors. Someone…

Scarcity: Why Having Too Little Means So Much

By Sendhil Mullainatha, Eldar Shafir Times Books, 2013 Why do successful people get things done at the last minute? Why does poverty persist? Why do organizations get stuck firefighting? Why…

Startup CEO: A Field Guide to Scaling Up Your Business, + Website

By Matt Blumberg Wiley; 2013 While big companies CEO’s are usually groomed for the job for years, startup CEOs aren’t—and they’re often young and relatively inexperienced in business in general….

The Firm: The Story of McKinsey and Its Secret Influence on American Business

By Duff McDonald Simon & Schuster, 2013 FOUNDED IN 1926, McKINSEY can lay claim to the following partial list of accomplishments: its consultants have ushered in waves of structural, financial,…

The Year without Pants: and the Future of Work

By Scott Berkun Jossey-Bass, 2013 50 million websites, or twenty percent of the entire web, use WordPress software. The force behind is a convention-defying company called Automattic, Inc., whose…

Smarter Than You Think: How Technology is changing Our Minds for the Better

By Clive Thompson  Penguin Press HC, 2013  It’s undeniable—technology is changing the way we think. But is it for the better? Amid a chorus of doomsayers, Clive Thompson delivers a…

Professional Ethics and Human Values

By M. Govindarajan, V. S. Senthilkumar, S. Natarajan Publisher: PHI Learning Press, 2013 Today, more and more organizations are realizing the importance of practicing ethics in their business dealings. And…