Design Aspects of Indian Managerial Compensation: Insights for practitioners seeking to create business impact

Design Aspects of Indian Managerial Compensation: Insights for practitioners seeking to create business impact
By Shirish Joshi & Siddarth SN, Kindle Edition, April 2015

The right design of compensation has always been a major factor in building or destroying business value. This requires a partnership by the HR Manager and the Business Manager in ensuring equitable offers are made to employees, such that it motivates employees to contribute a little more. Doing so requires an in-depth understanding of the business environment, core competence of the organization, role of HR, precedence that exists in the organization and theories of human behavior. A Compensation professional needs to be more than a payroll professional and know more than just tax laws.

The book has been written for the HR professional who would like to refresh his conceptual understanding of compensation design, and make a real action plan for professional practice. This book is intended to be an ideas/insights book.