Learn Economics from Online Dating

datingA lot of people find Economics boring there’s help in the form of a new book titled ‘Everything I Ever Needed to Know about Economics I Learned from Online Dating’ by Paul Oyer, Professor of Economics at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Economists may not be known for their romantic expertise, but Oyer, a reviewer says, explains the ins and outs of online dating with such clarity, humor, and scientific prowess that he is guessing many marriages will result from his book.

So, what is it? It turns out that dating sites are no different than the markets. Monster.com, eBay and other sites where individuals come together to find a match gave Oyer startling insight into the modern dating scene. Suddenly, the arcane language of Economics – search, signaling, adverse selection, cheap talk, statistical discrimination, thick markets, and network externalities – became a useful guide to finding a partner.

There’s collateral benefit too. Now, for those who have crammed through Economics for many years, you can understand how online dating works.