Why Product Thinking?

Until five years ago it was a common perception that India’s future is in services and that we are not good enough to develop and launch significant products. Not anymore….

The Questions Indians Ask

Pinkesh Shah, director programs, at the Institute of Product Leadership, Bangalore, recently launched India’s first business school for software techies, shares some interesting, some funny experiences while talking to the…

How Ferose turned Sap Labs into a product factory

In April 2010, V.R. Ferose became the managing director of SAP Labs India, one of fifteen global R&D centers of the German software giant SAP. At 35 years old, Ferose…

Big Data and Management Revolution

Big Data and Management Revolution

It’s becoming evident to futurists and enlightened business historians that Big Data is in the process of creating a management revolution. Most business leaders, especially senior executives in the traditional…

The Case of 50 Missing Companies from BCG List

It’s natural to look for one’s favorite company in any global achievers’ list. It’s heartbreaking if the famous names go missing. That’s what has happened to Boston Consulting Group’s Global…

Technology Removes Bias in HR

Online skills measurement technology is removing bias and enhancing the measurement capability of an executive, says Ketan Kapoor, co-founder & CEO of Mettl, an online assessment platform for hiring and…

Text Analytics Could Drive Out Offshore Outsourcing

Text Analytics technology in the document management space could change the face of offshore outsourcing within five years, says Peter Wren-Hilton, Co-Founder & CEO of New Zealand-based Pingar, a leading…

Directors’ League to Mentor New B-Schools

It’s no secret that B-Schools in India are on a churn. Management education is facing its most severe test currently. Businesses are spurning B-School grads, except from top 25 out…